Riddle 51:
Paul is 20 years old in 1980, but only 15 years old in 1985. How is this possible?
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He was 20 in 1980BC and 15 in 1985BC
Riddle 52:
There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly.
What is it?
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Riddle 53:
I can be long I can be short I can be grown I can be bought I can be painted or left bare.What am I?
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A fingernail
Riddle 54:
What happened on the 6th of May 1978 at thirty-four minutes past twelve am What was it?
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At the moment, the time and day could be written as:
12:34, 5/6/78
Riddle 55:
What is black when you get it red when you use it and white when your through with it?
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