Riddle 96:
How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
>(Top 100 Riddles and Brain Teasers)
Open the door, put him in, close the door
Riddle 97:
How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
>(Top 100 Riddles and Brain Teasers)
Open the door, take the giraffe out, put him in, close the door
Riddle 98:
All of the animals go to a meeting for the Lion King. One animal doesnt show up.Which animal doesn't come?
>(Top 100 Riddles and Brain Teasers)
The elephant, he's in the refrigerator
Riddle 99:
You come to a river that aligators live in. There is no boat, raft, bridge, nor material to make them. How do you get across?
>(Top 100 Riddles and Brain Teasers)
Jump in, swim accross, get out. The aligators are at the meeting
Riddle 100:
When one does not know what it is, then it is something; but when one knows what it is, then it is nothing.
>(Top 100 Riddles and Brain Teasers)
A riddle